自然拼读系列 - 短元音
15 分钟 / 天, 20 周
4 - 6 岁
25 - 30 单词 / 故事
《自然拼读系列 - 短元音》是《自然拼读系列》的第一部。20个短小有趣的故事,外加详细的辅导指南和丰富的线上练习活动(包括可打印内容),为4 - 6岁孩子的英语阅读能力打下坚实的基础!
Program Contents
Teacher Resources
自然拼读系列整体介绍 Program Introduction
如何在教室里设立各个活动中心 How To Setup Stations
如何与孩子一起读故事 Reading the Book
演示如何做游戏1B拼图游戏 Activity B
演示如何做填空游戏 Spelling Activity A
演示如何做阅读理解游戏排列词组游戏 Rearranging words to make sentences
附_做第二本书的游戏 Book2 full example
附_怎么做魔法盒 Making Magic Box
附_如何让孩子更容易记住英文字母 Teach Printing
附_教孩子握笔 How to Hold a pencil
After obtaining a B.A. in English from Loyola College and a Teaching Degree with a specialty in Early Childhood Education from the University of Manitoba, Cathy Jackson taught in Toronto while completing Primary Specialist qualifications from the University of Toronto. After two years teaching in Scotland and Wales, she spent 27 years teaching kindergarten to grade five in Ottawa while completing a B.Ed. and Special Education Specialist from the University of Ottawa.
When Cathy noticed the lack of resources that captured her students’ attention and provided stepping-stones for growth, she decided to create her own short stories to teach a few letter-sounds and sight words at a time. Best Reading! Phonics began as photocopies on folded papers to which students could add words, continue the stories as they coloured, and keep them at home. Jackson’s students’ enthusiasm prompted her to continue writing and eventually publish her reading program so all young readers can build a strong reading foundation.