天天法语故事 - 少儿版
一天一故事, 一年365天!
3 - 7
70 - 100 单词/故事
《Une Histoire Par Jour》被赞誉为“一套使读者终身受益的故事丛书”。本套书分少儿版、小学版和初中版。每套共有12本,分别对应一年的12个月。每个故事都配有加拿大配音专家录制的音频,发音地道、吐字清晰。可以让孩子配合阅读使用,也可以作为只听不读的图书使用。
少儿版专为5-7岁的儿童设计,每篇故事大概50-60个单词。 内容丰富且贴近生活,适合作为法语起始阶段阅读使用。孩子可以跟着CD 独立阅读,也可和父母一起阅读。孩子可在学习法语的同时丰富多方面的知识、树立乐观向上的人生观、培养良好的性格习惯,使孩子终身受益。
About This Program
Your child has completed our Best Phonics program or our Super Hammy series. He or she has a good command basic reading vocabulary. Where does he or she go from there?
With the word decoding skills they have acquired thus far, our One Story A Day for Beginners is the perfect stepping off point. This program contains a total of 365 stories — one for each day of the year — separated into 12 books, each representing one month of the year.
With interesting topics and motivational content, these stories encourage enthusiasm for reading. Thoughtful illustrations reinforce the concepts in the stories, enhancing the child's understanding of the text.
The stories, written by Canadian authors, are inspired by life lessons, fables from around the world, nature, science, and history. The One Story A Day series is designed to foster the reader's total development — linguistic, intellectual, social, and cultural — through the joy of reading.
Each story is accompanied by read-along narrations by professional voice artists.
Activities accompany each story for a comprehensive development
Curriculum Equivalency
This reading program is designed for children with a basic reading knowledge.
The stories are written using vocabulary corresponding to pre-K to grade 1 of Ontario, Canada curriculum.
Completion of the entire program is equivalent to a vocabulary base of 500 words.